Cygames’ Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond is the Next-Gen Digital TCG Experience

Cygames' Shadowverse Worlds Beyond is the Next-gen Digital Tcg Experience

When it comes to collectible card games, the Shadowverse IP is definitely one of the bigger players in the scene. Since 2016, it has been captivating players with its strategic multiplayer encounters, and now, Cygames is pushing into a new dimension with Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond.

Players can take their pick out of the seven classes, each with their own playstyle and approaches to combat. At the same time, Cygames is aware that battles can be even more exciting and deep. Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond will introduce super evolution, enhancing any of your followers to a devastating effect.

Super-evolved followers will gain Rush and +3 to both attack and defense, activating both their Evolve and Super-Evolve abilities. They cannot take damage or be destroyed by abilities during their controller’s turns. In addition, enemy followers destroyed by a super-evolved follower’s attack will be blown away, knocking them straight into the enemy leader and dealing them 1 damage.

Those wanting more play points will also welcome the new bonus mechanic for players going second, as they can gain a temporary play point at any time in the match. You will be able to use this mechanic twice per match, once before the sixth turn and once after, adding to the tactical nature of the battles to come.

Shadowverse Park

Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond will also change the World feature. By moving away from minigames like fishing, mahjong, and dungeons, it has been redesigned into a designated space to socialize and engage in card battles: Shadowverse Park.

In Shadowverse Park, players can enjoy a variety of activities using their personalised avatars, like battling each other in the lobby or forming a guild with friends. Players can also dress their avatar up as one of the various in-game characters by using visages. Furthermore, the space will be used to host online tournaments and other exciting events, open to participation from players all around the world.

Cards Release & Liquefying

While Shadowverse released a new card set once every three months, Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond plans to release a new card set once every one to one and a half months starting from its release to August. This will then shift to once every two months afterwards.

Also, players typically liquefied cards that they didn’t need to build specific decks in Shadowverse. However, this caused many players to have cards from only one class, preventing them from experimenting with other classes. To solve this issue and encourage players to embrace the spirit of experimentation, players can only liquefy extras beyond the third copy of a card in Worlds Beyond.

While this adjustment may make it more difficult to obtain cards through vials, systems like the following will be added to make card packs easier to obtain:

  • A free card pack every day.
  • Missions that give up to 10 card packs whenever a new card set is released.
  • A guaranteed Legendary card with every 10 card packs purchased.
  • A prebuilt deck consisting of cards from the first card set and basic cards upon clearing the First Farer beginner missions. Players can choose from nine different recommended decks, each containing a powerful Legendary card.
  • Missions and quests in Shadowverse Park that reward not only card packs but other in-game items.

Slated for a worldwide release on June 17 on PC, iOS, and Android, pre-registrations for Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond have already begun. As in most cases, the more players sign up, the better the rewards. A total of 20 card packs’ worth of rupies and card pack tickets will be distributed if at least 300,000 players preregister.

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