Terminator 2D: No Fate Delivers ‘90s Side-Scrolling Action Like the Good Ol’ Days

Terminator 2d: No Fate

It’s always fascinating to see the creative efforts of developers who bring back the charm of retro-style games against the grain of hyper-realistic affairs. Things get even more exciting when the IP in question is a massive and well-loved franchise. This is precisely what Terminator 2D: No Fate aims to offer this September 5.

Developed by Bitmap Bureau and published by Reef Entertainment, Terminator 2D: No Fate is an officially licensed 2D action side-scroller based on the Terminator 2 film, one of the best action films ever. Imagine the type of game that is right at home during the NES and Sega Genesis era, and you already know what it looks like.

Taking charge as Sarah and John Connor, as well as the T-800, the game will feature arcade-style missions that retell Terminator 2: Judgment Day while expanding its narrative, all told in beautiful pixel art.

Terminator 2D: No Fate Character Gameplay

“Our team are massive fans of the film—especially Sarah Connor, one of the greatest action heroes of all time. We knew playing as her would be special, so we worked hard to make her playstyle feel authentic,” shared Mike Tucker, design director at Bitmap Bureau, via the PlayStation Blog.

“Sarah is agile and reactive, mirroring her paranoia and intense training. She excels in melee combat, sliding into enemies for direct attacks, reflecting her fearlessness. We also gave her a laser sight, inspired by the iconic Miles Dyson scene. It locks the player in place but significantly boosts damage.”

As for the other Connor, his part will be in the Future War missions,  where players control an adult John Connor leading the Resistance. This will be an opportunity to flesh out the lore of his character, with different gameplay to boot. Expect strategic mid-to-long-range combat, using a plasma rifle, pipe bombs, and three ammo types, along with a tactical roll for evasion.

Playing as the T-800 is a different beast as well, as its weight and power mean plenty of heft in movement and combat. Highly durable, so expect to relive many of the iconic moments in the film and then some. Facing off against the T-1000 will make for a blockbuster showdown.

Beyond the story mode, fans of classic action games will also have access to various additional modes, including Arcade Mode, Infinite Mode, Boss Rush, Mother of the Future, and Level Training. These modes provide players with plenty of challenges and opportunities to test their skills.

Terminator 2D: NO FATE is set to launch on September 5, 2025, for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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